Franciscan Focus

Just a simple blog of a Secular Franciscan trying to live with a Franciscan focus.
(And one of these days I'll fix the template and add a Search feature. :-P)

19 April 2011

Confession: The Real Deal 

I love Msgr. Charles Pope's post about Confession, which is chock full of responses to common dodges folks employ when it comes to Just Doing It. His reply to the "I don't have a lot of time and am not available to go at the usual time" one made me chuckle out loud:

"Most priests are quite willing to make time to hear confessions at other than usual times. This is one of the essential reasons we were ordained."

Speaking of Confession, that reminds me of an arse-kicking vignette from when I went this weekend (in preparation for Holy Week, which also happens to be what Msgr. Pope recommended):

After I left the confessional and was heading over to do my penance and pray a mite, I saw they'd set up an additional spot for confessions near the tabernacle (where I was going). Obviously, I kept my distance, and then got down to business penance-ing and praying. When done, I looked up in time to see the priest bless and pronounce the words of absolution over a penitent, and ... it was The Most Wonderful Sight To Behold. Right there, in living color, I saw a soul set free from sin. Watching the purple-stoled priest making the sign of the cross over the penitent filled me with joy that God gave us such a life-saving sacrament, and gratitude for that particular priest (and all priests) answering God's call to serve His people.

I wound up staying longer than planned just so I could watch the whole thing again ("Do it again!") with another penitent, feeling for all the world like a giddy toddler watching her father do a magic trick. Only, it wasn't slight-of-hand or shadow-puppetry, it was The Real Deal.

Deo gratias!

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