Franciscan Focus

Just a simple blog of a Secular Franciscan trying to live with a Franciscan focus.
(And one of these days I'll fix the template and add a Search feature. :-P)

13 April 2011

Lenten meme taggage! 

'Christ the Man of Sorrows', by Bartolomé Esteban MurilloI just got tagged by Maria to play along with a Lenten meme.

The rules: Those tagged will share 5 things they "love" about Jesus, or why they love Jesus. Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers. Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here with their name so that others can read them.
  1. His infinite mercy.
  2. His unfathomable genius in crafting and giving us the Sacraments. Especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation.
  3. "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us."
  4. His choice of parents, and that He gave them to us. Seriously, you just can't top Joseph and Mary.
  5. The dizzying and staggering amount and variety of saints that He's raised up, though which He's provided inspiration, hope, challenge, and examples.
Update: I went out and tagged the following folks directly in the comboxes of their blogs, and then figured I'd list 'em here:
  1. Barb, sfo, SFO Mom
  2. Lynne, A Quiet Catholic
  3. Marco, The Domestic Hermit
  4. Mike, What Does Mike Think?
  5. Peter, Ubi Petrus

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Anonymous Maria Johnson said...

dude! these are the best answers I've seen! Niiiice.

13 April, 2011 21:36  
Blogger Mike said...

OK, so here's my post

13 April, 2011 22:11  
Blogger Lisa, ofs said...

@Mike: Yay! Glad ya played along! :-D

@Maria: WOW. Thank you!!

13 April, 2011 22:42  

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