It's Thankful Thursday!
It's Thankful Thursday! :-D What 3 things (minimum!) are you thankful for today? Feel free to be as yappy or brief as ya like! Mine are:1) Nicely quiet in the office at the moment.
2) Breathing.
3) Learning about the existence of these amazing dandelion sculptures. Not only does he have dramatic fairy-and-dandelion ones, he's also got just ones of dandelions (!), and you can buy individual dandelion seed sculptures from him!
4) An out-of-the-blue text from a dear pal ♥.
5) Life with cats =^..^= . Even when they're acting as though they'll expire from hunger and OMG YOU'RE GONNA FEED US, RIGHT? in the wee hours of the morning.
6) Fashion help and advice from lovely, stylish chicks ♥. Technically, that was over the weekend, but I'm still thankful.
7) This in my headphones.
Labels: gratitude, thankful thursday, thankfulness
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