Franciscan Focus

Just a simple blog of a Secular Franciscan trying to live with a Franciscan focus.
(And one of these days I'll fix the template and add a Search feature. :-P)

29 November 2007

I'm a sucker for cuteness 

And even more so when the subject is cats. =^..^= Alas, I'm waaay too easily entertained by these silly/cute cat videos on YouTube. (Yeah, you can thank NaBloPoMo for this post.)

It's oh so Cute! Cats of YouTube Music Video

Overall, pretty cute. Many of the clips here have been floating around the Internets for awhile, but still fun to see. And really, watching sleepy kittens never gets old. :-D

Funny cute cats

This kind o' Japanese pop music always makes me smile (and makes me feel like popping in some Gundam Wing episodes), though here it doesn't sync too well with the clips. And are they making meowing sounds at the end? If so, extra bonus cuteness.

Kitten and his box

Kittens. In a box. 'Nuff said.

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