Motu mirth: "This is not astrophysics"
M'kay, so in addition to all the great commentary and resources out there on B16's Summorum Pontificum, there's an equally large amount of delightful humor and banter surrounding the document an' what it all means. My reactions to the following gems ranged from smirking to outright guffawing. Share and enjoy!First up, Barbara Nicolosi does a hilarious job of eviscerating the predictable hand-wringing from Kumbaya Catholics in Isn't it hard for you to kick against the goad? I almost had a case of the hiccups when I finished readin' it. Also check out her post, Not a Motu too soon.... Her "PS" is a keeper:
"In: Smells and bells and lingua Latina, baby!
Out: Rubrics as suggestions.
So five minutes ago: The faith community as god.
Phrase to try and work into conversation this week: lex orandi needs to flow from lex credendi"
Second: Check out the following clip -- brilliant! (And I love all the B16 shots. :::happy sigh:::)
Third, I love the way Fr. John Zuhlsdorf takes on the whining of Cardinal Ricard of Bordeaux, line by line. This one's a humdinger:
"[Card. Ricard] 2. Not all priests are adequately prepared for this. They lack formation.
[Fr. Z.] Priests are smart. We can learn. I will teach any priest how to say the older Mass and help him with Latin. This is not astrophysics."
And last but definitely not least is Fr. Philip N. Powell's gut-splitting The Six Stages of Dissenting from the M.P., where he predicts the stages of behavior to expect from the Kumbaya Catholics:
"Stage Six: Conferences. Lots of conferences. With lots of famous Names. And Big Faces. All bleating from the podium about the death of the 'Spirit of Vatican Two.' Whining. Lots of whining. A few fits. The occasional tantrum. Probably a protest--before the collective Geritol starts to work. More whining. And dire predictions about the inevitable return of Evil Nuns with Rulers and ... GASP! ... a little beauty and reverence to the liturgy."
The world would be such a dreary place without them Dominicans!
Labels: hilarious, liturgy, magisterium, pope, vatican
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