Franciscan Focus

Just a simple blog of a Secular Franciscan trying to live with a Franciscan focus.
(And one of these days I'll fix the template and add a Search feature. :-P)

17 August 2012

A Franciscan Pet Blessing 

Etsy: 'St. Francis of Assisi with Cats' by Jill WestWhen a pal finally shared pics of his newly-adopted kitteh, I remembered the lil' pet blessing* that I came up with years ago, and figured I'd share it. :-)

+ Make sign of cross** on pet's forehead.

May the Lord bless you,
protect you,
and keep you
happy, healthy, and safe with us
for the rest of your life. Amen.

- - - - -
* Of course, there are a gajillion (technical term) Franciscan pet blessings out there, and most are better. Mine simply has the distinction of bein' short and therefore easier to remember.

** I like to dip my thumb in holy water and then trace the sign of the cross.

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