Franciscan Focus

Just a simple blog of a Secular Franciscan trying to live with a Franciscan focus.
(And one of these days I'll fix the template and add a Search feature. :-P)

17 September 2007

It's Mac-tastical! 

O, happy day! We finally replaced our dead home PC (after it crapped out over a year ago). An' no more &%*$#@! Dells for us, thank you. Based on the advice of my pal Melissa, we got ourselves a spiffy Mac Mini.

As it's been over a decade (good grief) since I last used a Mac, that pretty much makes me a Mac newbie all over again. Can anyone recommend a good resource or two to help me get up to speed? One thing I love to do is tweak and customize, so any tips on that are most appreciated.

The other part to this happy news is that, after much pleading with Husband Mike -- who is a bit of a Luddite -- we upgraded from dial-up to DSL! Holy. Freaking. Cow.

No longer do I have to dash out to the library to use their 'puters whenever I wanna view something on YouTube or download software. No longer do I have to wait 10 minutes just for my Gmail to load.

Yep, life is good.



Blogger Bego said...


What. A. Nerd.

17 September, 2007 10:17  
Blogger Greg said...


Now that you have DSL, you can more easily listen to podcasts. When I switched to a Mac I listened to a couple that helped in the transition. Just getting more familiar with the terminology helped me get more used to the OS. I recommend the Typical Mac User Podcast, as well as MacCast. There are also some good video podcasts, like MacBreak, that have some introductory types of episodes.

17 September, 2007 14:12  
Blogger Unknown said...

When I worked for my last company I was put in charge of Mac testing because I know how to eject disks and turn it off and on. As we started getting betas of OS X I really started to get the "under the hood" details. Just play with it. The Mac is very forgiving and as you get familiar the keyboard shortcuts will become you beast friends. Enjoy the "mac" experience.


17 September, 2007 14:43  
Blogger Lisa, ofs said...

Thanx for the tips and suggestions, guys! :-)

21 September, 2007 16:05  

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