Franciscan Focus

Just a simple blog of a Secular Franciscan trying to live with a Franciscan focus.
(And one of these days I'll fix the template and add a Search feature. :-P)

31 August 2007

Happy Blog Day! 

Blog Day -- what a nifty event. The purpose: On 31 August, bloggers 'round the world introduce others to 5 new blogs they may not have heard of. While the 5 blogs I'm sharing aren't necessarily new -- they've been around for awhile -- they could be new to anyone who stumbles 'cross this post.

So, in alphabetical order, here are my entries ...
  1. The Creative Tech Writer. I, too, work as a tech writer, and you've probably no idea what in heck that is. S'okay, nobody else does, either. I appreciate Jenny's musings on the industry.
  2. Funfurde. Tagline: "Funky. Furniture. And. Design." This blog always uncovers stuff with the quirkiest, coolest, or just plain weird designs. Never a boring read.
  3. HamsterTracker. Mathijs A. van der Paauw's site does just what the name says, it tracks his hamster, Lucy 3.0. See how far Lucy ran each day. Examine her stats, like max speed and total distance covered. Swoon over adorable pictures!
  4. Holy Cards for your Inspiration, in which Micki shares a new holy card every day, along with a prayer or quote. I'm a total holy card junkie, so this site feeds my addiction nicely. There's a big variety of artistic styles among the cards, which I also love. Thanks for sharing all those lovely cards, Micki!
  5. Melissa Rambles On, my pal Missie's blog. There's a huge amount of variety in her posts -- everything from knitting and sewing projects to cool Halloween-related links and musings on the nature of blogging. Good stuff.
(HT to Sean McGaughey)

Technorati tag: BlogDay2007



Blogger Micki said...

Lisa, Thank you for giving my Holy Card Blog a spot on your blog for "Happy Blog Day." I have also just learned of your posting and I'll be back to read more for sure. Looks very interesting. :-)

31 August, 2007 20:55  
Blogger Mel said...

I didn't even know about this! Thanks for adding my blog to your list.


02 September, 2007 18:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the mention. I was not aware that 'Blog Day' existed! Unfortunately just after your mention, HamsterTracker™ went offline. FORTUNATELY we are back online! (sorry)

Lucy also feels special for bloggin' us!

*eLove back*x

06 September, 2007 12:26  

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